Gateway Green Blog


Friends of Gateway Green selected by WW Give!Guide

For the first time ever, Friends of Gateway Green was selected as one of the nonprofits to participate in the Willamette Week’s Give!Guide.

City allocates $250,000 for Gateway Green

It’s official—the City of Portland has approved a $250,000 line item in the 2015-16 budget for Gateway Green!

The funds will provide needed match funds for the $1 million Metro NIN Capital Grant awarded last summer (but not available until the match is raised). It will also enable us to complete the design work.

FoGG board members participate in 2015 International Trails Symposium in Portland

Board members Linda Robinson and Ted Gilbert tabled for Gateway Green at Metro’s annual Trail Fair, a free event—open to the public—which was held at the Oregon Convention Center on the opening day of the International Trails Symposium.

Gateway Green Community CX

The Friends of Gateway Green presents Community Cross – a family friendly cyclocross exhibition race for all ages and abilities! Please join us in celebrating and support Portland’s first recreational bike park in the making!

Special Thanks for Additional Donations

Friends of Gateway Green has received several donations since the Indiegogo campaign ended. Many thanks to the following individuals and organizations for your generous contributons:

Build Gateway Green campaign raises $123,880

The 33 days of the Gateway Green crowdfund have come to a close, and the results are 756 donors contributed $123,880! Since the official completion date, some substantial contributions have continued to show up in our mailbox. In the history of Indiegogo, there have been 5,238 crowdfunds for community projects. Our ranks as their #5 most successful!