Community Outreach

FoGG's Outreach Program started with a Small Neighborhood Grant, received from the East portland Neighborhood Office (EPNO) in early 2009. Friend of Gateway Green Board Members and volunteers have tabled at many community events, including Sunday Parkways, the East Porland Concert Series at Ventura Park, Movies in the Park events, Metro Trail fairs and more.

The Friends group also manages a Facebook page to help share news to the Portland community. We launched our first website in October 2009 with the help of Jeff Ong as our volunteer webmaster and an email notifcation list was established. In April 2016, we launched this updated version of our website, with the help of Daylight Studio. 

Ongoing Outreach

Now that most of the park has been developed, Friends of Gateway Green is in the process of re-defining itself, workikng to determine what role the group will play in maintaining the facilities and programming in the park.

Appropriate committees will be established as we move forward. The first will be a Stewardship Committee, whose members will organize, promote and lead the monthly "stewardship day".

Keep in touch with our events here.